

September 19, 2023 08:00

General Assembly registration (for DCVMN Members only)

September 19, 2023 08:30

AGM Speakers and Attendees’ registrations

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Ria Siagian
Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) Indonesia

September 19, 2023 08:30

DCVMN General Assembly (for members only)

September 19, 2023 10:30

Coffee Break: Exhibition Viewing & Networking

September 19, 2023 11:00

Inaugural Session

Welcome by co-hosts:

  • Dr Morena Makhoana, CEO - Biovac
  • Mr Rajinder Suri, CEO - DCVMN

Opening Remarks: Mr Adriansjah Azhari, Board Chair - DCVMN International

  • Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Video Message), Director General - WHO
  • Mr David Marlow*, Chief Executive Officer (Ad Int) - Gavi, TheVaccine Alliance
  • Dr Richard Hatchett (Virtual), Chief Executive Officer - CEPI
  • Dr Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr. (Video Message), Director - PAHO
  • Dr Nicaise Ndembi, Senior Advisor to the DG of the Africa CDC
  • Prof Padmashree Gehl Sampath (Virtual), iCEO - African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation & Senior Advisor to the President Pharmaceuticals and Health - African Development Bank Group
  • Chief guest address by H.E. Mr Paul Shipokosa Mashatile,Honourable Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa

Vote of thanks: Mr Tiago Rocca, Deputy Board Chair - DCVMN

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Morena Makhoana

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Rajinder Kumar Suri

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Nicaise Ndembi
African Union/Africa CDC

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David Marlow
GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance

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Dr Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr.

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Richard Hatchett

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H.E. Mr Paul Shipokosa Mashatile
Republic of South Africa

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Padmashree Gehl Sampath
African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation

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Tedros Adhanom
World Health Organization

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Tiago Rocca
Instituto Butantan

September 19, 2023 12:30

Lunch and Networking Break

September 19, 2023 13:30

Session 1: Partnerships for Global Health Impact

Chair - Dr Nicaise Ndembi, Senior Advisor to the DG of the Africa CDC

  • Mr Roy Himawan, Director General of Pharmaceutical andMedical Devices Resilience - Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Ms Jessica Milman, Global Head Center for Vaccine Innovationand Access - PATH
  • Ms Nafisa Jiwani, Managing Director, Health Initiatives - DFC
  • Mr Patrick Tippoo, Executive Director - AVMI & Chief Scienceand Innovation Officer - Biovac & Advisor - DCVMN Board
  • Dr Stavros Nicolaou, Group Senior Executive Strategic TradeDevelopment - Aspen
  • Ms Farrah Losper, Commercial Director - Biovac


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Nicaise Ndembi
African Union/Africa CDC

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Nafisa Jiwani
United States International Development Finance Corporation

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Roy Himawan
Ministry of Health

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Patrick Tippoo

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Jessica Milman

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Stavros Nicolaou
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd

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Farrah Losper

September 19, 2023 15:00

Coffee Break: Exhibition Viewing & Networking

September 19, 2023 15:30

Session 2: Accelerating Sustainable Regional Vaccine Manufacturing

Chair - Dr David Robinson, Deputy Director, Chemistry,Manufacturing and Control, Clinical Vaccine Development, Global Health - BMGF

Co-Chair - Ms Tania Cernuschi, Unit Head, Immunization Agenda,Policy and Strategy - WHO

  • Prof William Ampofo, Chief Executive Officer - NationalVaccine Institute & Chair - AVMI Board
  • Dr Matthew Downham, Director Manufacturing & Supply ChainNetworks - CEPI
  • Dr Dominic Hein, Director, Market Shaping - Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
  • Dr Michael Karl Schunk, Senior Industry Specialist - IFC
  • Prof Petro Terblanche, Chief Executive Officer - AfrigenBiologics
  • Dr Rakeshnie Ramoutar-Prieschl, Acting Deputy Director,General Technology and Innovation - Department of Science & Innovation, South Africa
  • Dr Rajeshwari Adhiseshan, Senior Program Officer Chemistry,Manufacturing & Controls, Vaccine Development - BMGF
  • Mr Brandon Ball, Head of Government Affairs - Temptime (asubsidiary to Zebra Technologies)
    • Vaccine Vial Monitors: Over 10 billion delivered; ready tosupport regional vaccine production


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Matthew Downham

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Aletta Terblanche
Afrigen Biologics (Pty) Ltd.

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Dr Rajeshwari Adhiseshan

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Michael Schunk

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Tania Cernuschi

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Mr Brandon Ball
Temptime, Zebra Technologies

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William AMPOFO
National Vaccine Institute

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Dr Rakeshnie Ramoutar
General Technology and Innovation

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Prof Petro Terblanche
Afrigen Biologics

September 19, 2023 16:30

CEO’S Report: Mr Rajinder Suri, CEO - DCVMN

September 19, 2023 18:30

Cocktail Reception

September 20, 2023 08:00

Attendee and Speaker Registrations

September 20, 2023 09:00

Session 3: Regulatory Reliance and CRP

Chair - Dr Yukiko Nakatani, Assistant Director-General, Access to Medicines and Health Products - WHO

  • Dr Deusdedit Mubangizi, Unit Head Prequalification Unit (PQT) Regulation & Prequalification Department – WHO
  • Mr Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi (Virtual), Drug Controller General (India)- CDSCO
  • Dr Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela (Virtual), CEO - SAHPRA
  • Dr Fabricio Carneiro de Oliveira, Head of Biological Products and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, ANVISA - MoH Brazil
  • Dr Adam Hacker, Director & Head of Global Regulatory Affairs -CEPI
  • Dr Carmen Rodriguez Hernandez, Team Lead, Vaccines PQ Regulation and Prequalification Department - WHO
  • Dra Togi Junice Hutadjulu (Virtual), Acting Deputy for Drug,Narcotics, Psychotropic, Precursor, and Addictive Substance Supervision - NRA Indonesia
  • Dr Lindiwe Makubalo, Assistant Regional Director - WHO Regional Office


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Fabricio Oiveira
ANVISA (Brazil Health Surveillance Authority)

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Adam Hacker

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Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela

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Deusdedit Mubangizi

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Yukiko Nakatani

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Lindiwe Makubalo
WHO Afro Regional Office

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Carmen Rodriguez Hernandez

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Mr Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi

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Dra Togi Junice Hutadjulu
NRA Indonesia

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Ria Siagian
Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) Indonesia

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Diah Puspitasari
Indonesian FDA

September 20, 2023 10:00

Session 4: Integration of C19 vaccines in RI & Strengthening Adult Vaccination Delivery

Chair: Ms Tania Cernuschi, Unit Head, Immunization Agenda, Policy and Strategy -WHO

  • Mr Greg Widmyer, Director and Senior Advisor Global Development - BMGF
  • Dr Andrew Owain Jones, Principal Advisor and Chief, Vaccine Centre - UNICEF-SD
  • Prof Glenda Gray, President - South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
  • Dr Leonie de Munter, Senior Epidemiologist - P95
  • Dr Appolinaire Lamah, Department of Public Health & Migration, International Organization for Migration, Guinea
  • Prof Dr Nico Vandaele, Professor of Operations Research and Operations Management, Access-To-Medicines Research Centre - Ku Leuven, Belgium


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Appolinaire LAMAH
International Organization for Migration

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Gregory Widmyer
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Glenda Gray

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Andrew Jones

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Leonie de Munter
P95 Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology Services

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Tania Cernuschi

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Nico Vandaele
KU Leuven, Access-To-Medicines Research Centre

September 20, 2023 11:00

Coffee Break: Exhibition Viewing & Networking

September 20, 2023 11:30

Session 5: Access to capital: Removing financial barriers for local manufacturing in developing countries

Chair: Mr Mukesh Chawla, Chief Advisor Health Security - World Bank

  • Ms Zeynep Kantur Ozenci, Global Manager and Global Head of Health - International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group
  • Dr Pierre A. Morgon, Executive Vice President, Portfolio Strategy and Supranational Affairs, Managing Director-CanSinoBIO Europe
  • Mr Santiago Cornejo, Executive Manager - PAHO
  • Mr Hilton Lazarus, Business Unit Head - IDC
  • Mr Gerard Cunningham, Operating Partner - Adjuvant Capital


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Gerard Cunningham
Adjuvant Capital

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Hilton Lazarus
Industrial Development Corporation of SA Ltd

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Mukesh Chawla
The World Bank

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Zeynep Kantur Ozenci
International Finance Corporation

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Santiago Cornejo
Pan American Health Organization

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Pierre Morgon

September 20, 2023 12:30

Session 6: Novel Technologies deployed in Bio-manufacturing

Chair - Dr Sunil Gairola - Executive Director - SII & Board Member - DCVMN International

  • Mr. Vikrant Hedau, Director of Bio Business Division - Tofflon India
  • Mr Youssef Gaabouri, Associate Director, Head of Sales Middle East & Africa - Merck
    • Successful conditions for vaccine local manufacturing inAfrica


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Serum Institute of India Ltd.

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Vikrant Hedau
Tofflon India

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Youssef Gaabouri

September 20, 2023 13:00

Lunch and Networking Break

September 20, 2023 14:00

Session 7: Strengthening Vaccine Production Capacity & Pandemic Preparedness

Chair - Dr Jicui Dong, Unit Head Local Production and AssistanceUnit Regulation & PQ, Access to Medicines and Health Products Division - WHO

  • Dr Simone Blayer, Global Head, Chemistry, Manufacturing, Control and Nonclinical Toxicology - PATH
  • Dr Chiluba Mwila, Talent Development - PAVM
  • Dr Frauke Uekermann, Director, Vaccine Markets - CHAI
  • Ms Emma Wheatley, Director, Access and Private Partnerships -CEPI
  • Dr Ali Alloueche, VP, Global Head Business Development, Alliance Management & External R&D - Hilleman Laboratories
  • Ms Yalda Momeni, Senior Specialist Future Supplier Based Strategy Market Shaping - Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
  • Mr Murat Hakan Öztürk, Supply Chain Advisor for PAHO Revolving Fund - PAHO
  • Ms Iin Susanti, Production and Supply Chain Director - BioFarma, Indonesia


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Ms Iin Susanti
Bio Farma

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Chiluba Mwila
Africa CDC

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Emma Wheatley

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Frauke Uekermann

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Murat Ozturk

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Simone Blayer

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Yalda Momeni

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Ali Alloueche
Hilleman Laboratories

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Dr. Jicui Dong

September 20, 2023 15:00

Coffee Break: Exhibition Viewing & Networking

September 20, 2023 15:30

Session 8: Learning & Development of Vaccine Workforce in Global South

Chair - Ms Julia Kuhn, Officer, Strategy Planning and Management, Vaccine Development - BMGF

  • Ms Amanda Zehnder, Senior OD and Change Management Advisor - PATH
  • Mr John Balchunas (Virtual), Workforce Director - NIIMBL
  • Dr Chiluba Mwila, Talent Development - PAVM
  • Ms Barbara Ngouyombo, Partnerships Associate Director - Institut Pasteur de Dakar
  • Ms Julianne Puckett (Virtual), Principal Consultant, Digital Product Strategy - Nexight Group
  • Launch of DCVMN/NIIMBL Workforce Directory


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John Balchunas

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Julianne Puckett
Nexight Group

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Julia Kuhn
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Amanda Zehnder

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Chiluba Mwila
Africa CDC

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Barbara Ngouyombo
Pasteur Institute de Dakar

September 20, 2023 16:30

Wrap-up of the day

September 20, 2023 18:30

Boarding of buses and travel to Gold Restaurant, Cape Town the venue for Gala Dinner

September 20, 2023 19:30

Gala Dinner

at the Gold Restaurant, Cape Town

September 21, 2023 08:00

Attendee and Speaker Registrations

September 21, 2023 09:00

Session 9: Innovations in Science & Technology-Exploringcutting-edge solutions to drive innovation in vaccine manufacture for developing countries

Chair - Emeritus Prof Anna-Lise Williamson, Senior ResearchScholar, Division of Medical Virology, Department of Pathology - University of Cape Town - Academic Innovations to Accelerate Technological Transfers

  • Prof Maria Elena Bottazzi (Video Message), Co-director ofTexas Children’s Center for Vaccine Development - Baylor College of Medicine
  • Ms Jennifer Brant (Virtual), Executive Director - Innovation Insights
    • Policymaking to support innovation, tech transfer, and local production
  • Dr Simon Agwale – CEO - Innovative Biotech (Nigeria) & Innovative Biotech (USA) & Board Member & Chair of Vaccine Technical working group - AVMI
    • Bringing International Vaccine Development and Manufacturing Expertise to Nigeria through Partnerships and Tech Transfer
  • Dr Peter Dull, Deputy Director, Integrated Clinical Vaccine Development, Global Health Division - BMGF
    • Combination vaccines for global health: Why their importance continues to grow
  • Dr Laura B. Martin, Director Vaccine Programs, Global Health - US Pharmacopeia
  • Dr Glaudina Loots, Director Health and Innovation - Departmentof Science and Innovation in South Africa
  • Dr Daniel Cardoso, Vice President - BiOZEEN
    • Biozeen approach for vaccine production infrastructure development in Africa
  • Mr Mathias Garny, CEO - Univercells Technologies
    • A low footprint vaccine manufacturing platform for in-country, for-country production
  • Mr Jesal Doshi, Deputy CEO - B Medical Systems
    • Saving Lives: Empowering Reliable Vaccine Deliveries Until the Last Mile


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Jennifer Brant
Innovation Insights

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Glaudina Loots
Department of Science and Innovation

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Anna-Lise Williamson

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Laura Martin
US Pharmcopeia

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Simon Agwale
Innovative Biotech Nigeria

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Mathias Garny
Amson Vaccines & Pharma

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Daniel Cardoso

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Jesal Doshi
B Medical Systems

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Maria Elena Bottazzi
Baylor College of Medicine

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Peter Dull
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

September 21, 2023 10:00

CEOs Forum

Chair: Ms Mahima Datla, Managing Director-Biological E

  • Mr Sai D Prasad, Executive Director - Bharat Biotech & Advisor - DCVMN Board
  • Mr Abdul Muktadir, Chairman & Managing Director - Incepta
  • Dr Mauricio Zuma Medeiros, CEO - Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz
  • Dr Hun Kim, Global R&D President - SK Biosciences
  • Dr Esper Georges Kallás, Director - Instituto Butantan
  • Dr Amadou Alpha Sall, CEO - Institut Pasteur de Dakar
  • Dr Morena Makhoana, CEO - Biovac
  • Mr Soleh Ayubi, Deputy CEO - PT BioFarma
  • Mr Fernando Lobos, Director - Sinergium Biotech


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Bio-Manguinhos Fiocruz

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Morena Makhoana

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Soleh Ayubi
Bio Farma

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Lakshminarayana Neti
Biological E Ltd

September 21, 2023 11:00

Coffee Break: Exhibition Viewing & Networking

September 21, 2023 11:15

Session 10: Market Access 4 Global Impact

Chair: Mr Dominic Hein, Director, Market Shaping - Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance

  • Mr Venkatraman Sivaramakrishnan, Board Member – DCVMN
  • Dr Georgios Stathopoulos (Virtual), Technical Officer - WHO
  • Ms Shirley Quesada, Unit Chief Revolving Fund Procurement -PAHO
  • Mr Joshua Chu, Executive Vice President of Vaccines, Non-Communicable Diseases and
  • Disability - CHAI
  • Dr Ankur Mutreja (Virtual), Global South Partnerships Lead -CEPI
  • Mr Ken Osei, Principal Investment Officer - IFC
  • Dr Sushant Sahastrabuddhe, Acting Deputy Director General of CARE (Clinical-Assessment-Regulatory-Evaluation) Unit - IVI


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Georgios Stathopoulos

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Ankur Mutreja

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Joshua Chu

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Kenneth Osei

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Shirley Quesada

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Sushant Sahastrabuddhe
International Vaccine Institute

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Venkatraman Sivaramakrishnan
Bharat Biotech International Limited

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Dr. Dominic Hein

September 21, 2023 12:30

Lunch and Networking

September 21, 2023 13:30

Session 11: Leveraging Innovative Platforms for Novel Vaccines

Chair - Mr Sai D Prasad, Executive Director - Bharat Biotech & Advisor - DCVMN Board

  • Dr Umesh Shaligram, Executive Director - Serum Institute of India
  • Dr Kapil Maithal, President Vaccines & Diagnostics - Zydus Life Sciences
  • Dr Erman Tritama, Senior Manager in nOPV production - PT BioPharma
  • Dr Andrew Zilong Wong, CEO - Shanghai Wotai Biotech, aWalvax subsidiary
  • Dr Raches Ella, Chief Development Officer - Bharat Biotech
  • Mr Alfred Luitjens, Global Technical Sales Director - Batavia Biosciences
  • Dr Markus Kuehberger, Senior Director Business Line Chemical & Pharma, BU Separators - GEA Group
    • Innovative, hiqh quality vaccine production with GEAtechnology
  • Dr Rahul Joshi, Business Head, Cell Biology & Immunology - HiMedia Labs
  • Mr Andrea Zambon, Vice President, Corporate Business Development - Stevanato Group
    • How SG can support local vaccines Manufacturing in Africa
  • Dr Kerry R. Love, Co-founder & CEO/President - Sunflower Therapeutics
    • Democratizing Biomanufacturing of Recombinant Proteins
  • Mr Alex Wang, Managing Director (MEA) - Truking Technology
    • TRUKING turnkey solutions for Vaccines and Bio products
  • Prof Emanuele Montomoli, Chief Scientific Officer - VisMederi
    • Assays for vaccines evaluation and correlates of protection
  • Mr Olli Rundgren, CEO - Psyon Games


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Kapil Maithal
Zydus Lifesciences Limited

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Olli Rundgren
Psyon Games

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Raches Ella
Bharat Biotech International Limited

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Bharat Biotech International Limited

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Serum Institute of India Ltd.

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Alfred Luitjens
Batavia Biosciences

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Markus Kuehberger
GEA Group

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Rahul Joshi
HiMedia Labs

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Kerry Love
Sunflower Therapeutics

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Emanuele Montomoli

September 21, 2023 15:00

Coffee Break: Exhibition Viewing & Networking

September 21, 2023 15:30

Session 12: Harnessing Women Power in Expanding Immunization Coverage

Chair - Ms Rachel Park, Board Member - DCVMN

  • Dr. Beverley Anne Cowper, Medical Officer - Biovac
  • Ms Fernanda Castro Boulos, Chief Medical Officer - Instituto Butantan
  • Prof Eliane Matos dos Santos, Epidemiologist physician - Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz
  • Ms Iin Susanti, Production & Supply Chain Director - Bio Farma, Indonesia
  • Ms Meng Li, Director of International Cooperation - Sinopharm, CNBG


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Ms Iin Susanti
Bio Farma

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Ms. Rachel Park

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Meng Li
China National Biotec Group Company Limited

September 21, 2023 16:15

Wrap-up of AGM, Rajinder Suri - CEO - DCVMN

Close of 24th DCVMN AGM

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Rajinder Kumar Suri